PHP/AJAX file upload with progress bar, part 3

Part 1, Part 2

I pulled this back out over the weekend and did a little work on it. The backend code is now totally functional, however I would consider it to be alpha quality. It just needs to be wrapped in a UI now, check it out and let me know what you think. Try the demo with JavaScript enabled first, once the upload completes you will see the result is a mash-up that looks like PHP’s $_REQUEST/$_FILES. Hit the resulting url again within 60 seconds and you will see the status side of things (Using a GET request, you don’t want to re-post the form data). Total bytes, bytes received, percent complete. Try it again with JavaScript disabled and behold the standard php handler.


One Reply to “PHP/AJAX file upload with progress bar, part 3”

  1. Demo doesn’t work…

    It’s gives some alert window saying “server at port: blablabla”

    no Progress bar.. NO Ajax..

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